whats playing? - red XIII theme (goodbye great warrior)

To learn an enemy skill, you must be equipped with an Enemy Skill materia. When an enemy hits you with it's special skill, you will learn it, even if it misses or kills you. However, unless you win the battle, you won't keep the skill you've learned. There are 24 skills in all, and one of the 24 stars on the Materia Menu will light up as you get more enemy skills. Note that you can't learn a skill and then have your player cast it on another person with an Enemy Skill materia; they _must_ learn it from enemies. You'll know if you learned a skill because the character with the materia equipped will spin in a circle once and you'll get a message. Keep in mind that if you're controlling a monster to learn a particular skill, you'll have to target the character wearing the Enemy Skill materia.

- a chart of all the enemy skills, how much mp they cost, what you can get them from, where you can find the creature, and tips on learning the skill.

for those of u who want them skills now. heres a list that shows the earliest point at which you can learn each skill as you play through the game.

 - Learn 'Matra Magic' from the Sweeper Customs that will fight you
   just outside of Midgar City.
 - Learn 'L4 Suicide' from the Mus that live in the field around the
   Chocobo Farm.
 - Learn 'Chocoobuckle' from the Chocobos that live in the field around
   the Chocobo Farm.
 - Learn 'Beta' from Midgar Zolom in the nearby marsh.  You must
   severely injure him (he'll start waving back and forth), before
   he will be able to use Beta against your party.
 - Learn 'Flame Thrower' from the Ark Dragons flying around in the
   Mythril Mine.
 - Learn 'White Wind' by manipulating a Zemlezett (found in the area
   near Junon), and having him use it on you.
 - Learn 'Aqualung' from the Harpys found near the Gold Saucer and
   in the Corel Desert area.  You can also learn it from 'Jenova
   Life', who you fight in the Forgotten Captial.
 - Learn 'Laser' from the Death Claws in Corel Prison.
 - Learn 'Frog Song' from the Touch Mes in the forests in the Gongaga
 - Learn 'Big Guard' from the Beach Plugs that live on the shores of
   the Gongaga Area.
 - Learn '????' from the Jerseys that roam the halls of the Shinra
   Mansion in Nibelheim.  You can also learn this skill from the
   Behemoths in the area below Midgar (Disc 2), and from the King
   Behemoths in the last dungeon (Disc 3).
 - Learn 'Trine' from the Materia Keeper boss that you fight in the
   Nible Mountains.  You can also learn this skill from the Stilves
   in Gaea's Wall (Disc 2).
 - Learn 'Death Force' from the Adamantaimais that live on the shore
   of the Wutai area.
 - Learn 'Magic Hammer' from the Razor Weeds in the Wutai Area.
 - Learn 'Death Sentence' from the Bound Fats in Zango Valley.

 - Learn 'Bad Breath' from the Molbors on the outside ledges of
   Gaea's Wall.
 - Learn 'Magic Breath' from the Stilves in Gaea's Wall, or from
   the Parasites in the final dungeon (Disc 3).
 - Learn 'Goblin Punch' from the Goblins found on Goblin Island and
   Round Island.
 - Learn 'Shadow Flare' during the final battle with the Ultima
   Weapon.  You can also learn it from the Dragon Zombies in the
   last dungeon (Disc 3).

 - Learn 'Dragon Force' from the Dark Dragons in the last dungeon.
 - Learn 'L5 Death' from the Parasites in the last dungeon.
 - Learn 'Angel Whisper' from the Pollen Salitas in the last
 - Learn 'Roulette' from the Death Dealers in the last dungeon.
 - Learn 'Pandora's Box' from the Dragon Zombies in the last

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